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Minutes of Meeting

Tumby Bay & Districts Lions Club Works Minutes

March 25th

RSL 7.30pm
Present: J Blackwell, A Richardson, T Franklin, I Hall, D Williams, W Williams, R Kelly, E Roberts, B Doudle, W
Branson, P Allen, G Speed, I Fulton, T Horne, D Liddicoat.
President Jeff welcomed all, congratulated the club for the 200 hour effort for March. Opened the meeting @
7.30 pm & called for apologies.
Apologies: I Charlton, M Baillie, P Nathan, P Swaffer, T Tierney, A Airey, D Backstrom, D Pearson.
Minutes of Dinner meeting Feb 26th: Confirmed R Kelly/ T Franklin. Carried.R Kelly reminded us that we
didn’t have a Quorum & couldn’t pass any motions. Discussion ensued & it was resolved to continue as had
been the custom for at least 20 years.
Minutes works meeting Jan 21st confirmed. D Liddicoat/W Branson. Carried.
Correspondence: J Blackwell & R Powell absented themselves from the meeting due to conflict of interest.
A Richardson took the chair re recycling request from Pt Neill. A long & careful discussion was had. W Williams
moved that we decline the opportunity to give a donation. Sec R Kelly. Carried unanimously.
Letter from Jenny Cook resigning from being our photo historian & asking for someone to volunteer.
Email from Parkinsons Group requesting donation of approximately $500 for a Vilim Ball. Agreed to donate. R
Kelly/D Liddicoat. Carried.
Request from District Governor Steve Fawcett for us to host the district training day.
W Branson/R Powell that we host on Sunday May 19th. Carried.
Football home match donuts cooking: Convenor - W Branson Volunteered.
T Tierney away M Baillie to take over the Lions Park cleaning.
Correspondence accepted: I Fulton/P Allen. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Club in a very good financial position. Bills to pay: PO Box $154.00. Neindorfs Paper ink &
batteries $48.92. Sea breeze Hotel Christmas Dinner Drinks & Guests meals $221. Wayne/ Ross. Carried.
Grain money $2721 .37 received. Discussion about sponsoring kids for cancer donut day.
P Allen/W Williams April 27 TB v EU. Lions club to subsidise $ for$ & ask football clubs to do the same.
Carried. P Allen W Williams & W Branson volunteered to convene.
Show-n-Shine: $1168.68 Profit. Airport: $410.96 Profit. Jumalka: $2187 Profit.
R Kelly website back to the same usage as before pageant.
Election of officers:

J Blackwell                                          W Branson/D Liddicoat                                      Elected
!st Vice

D Pearson                                           R Kelly.                                                                  Elected
2nd Vice

T Horne                                              P Allen                                                                    Elected        Secretary

A Richardson                                    W Branson                                                              Elected

W Branson                                         P Allen                                                                     Elected

R Kelly                                               Volunteered

M Baillie                                            R Kelly                                                                      Elected
T Franklin                                         I Fulton                                                                     Elected
R Powell                                            Volunteered
P Swaffer                                           W Williams                                                              Elected


General Business:

I Hall expressed his appreciation of the loyalty & support of the Lions Club.
R Kelly reported about the Lions Park wall looking dowdy. P Allen/D Liddicoat that we purchase 3 panels.  Carried.
Discussion re the constitution change. The present one registered in 1988 with Sam Campbell as Public Officer.
R Kelly, W Branson, A Richardson to see Zoom meeting Thursday to get the latest information.
R Kelly reported that he had the 2 boxes of financial records from the TB Council archive.
R Kelly/ I Hall that he has permission to destroy these. Carried.

W Branson requested to see these before they are destroyed.
Tumby Bay and District Lions Club
Ned Roberts re Twitchers Trail Painting & revamping. If you want to help, contact Ned.
W Branson/ W Williams That the sec enquires about the replacement of the Community Bus. Carried.
Meeting closed 8.55 pm.
District Tour Monday April 8
Board Meeting Thursday Apl 18
Dinner Meeting Monday Apl 21
District Tour Monday May 13
Board Meeting Thursday May 23
Works Meeting Monday May 27


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